Through the Looking Glass: Searching for Justice, is the title of Volume 5, Issue 4 of The Long View.  Most of the pieces were written before Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, yet their pertinence to the ongoing genocide of Palestinians and their valiant resistance couldn’t be more.
Sahib Mustaqim Bleher looks at media propaganda and the manipulations of tears and meaning to prevent even those who support the Palestinain struggle for justice from framing adequate, let alone successful, responses.
Imam Muhammad al-Asi uses the Qur’an, sunnah and seerah to view the struggle for freedom and justice for Palestine.  He connects their oppression with the occupation of ‘Holy Land South’ by pro-American and pro-Israeli rulers, and hints at the success and possibilities of resistance based on Quranic principles.
Professor Saeed A. Khan, discusses the 'culture wars’ and Muslims.  How are we dragged into the raging battle of words, how are we characterised and demonised within and how do we move beyond the narratives that, as Bleher and al-Asi also point out, are controlling our responses to injustice?
Demir Mahmutćehajić views the responses to the Bosnian genocide through a critical lens.  Without proper acknowledgement of the roles of the governments and institutions whose narratives whipped up the environment for genocide, international laws and bodies will be unable to prevent recurrences, whether in Bosnia or elsewhere.
The cover has used photographs sent to us from the 16th October Group in Gaza.  They have been put together in this piece entitled ‘In Heaven We Fly'
Find all the issues of The Long View free to read here, and /or support the publication by buying a copy or subscription.