Ibn Ḥazm’s primary work relating to uṣul is al-Ihkām fi-Usul al-Ahkām, which is often rendered into English as ‘Judgement on the Principles of Law.’ The abridgment of the Iḥkām is the shorter work which is presented in full translation here: al-Nubdtha al-Kafiyah fi-Uṣul al-Ahkām al-Deen – or, loosely rendered into English as: ‘The Sufficient Summary on the Rules Derived from the Sources of Deen.’ This shorter treatise seeks toencapsulate the central arguments which are outlined in the Iḥkām.These key principles of uṣul are a feature of Ibn Ḥazm’s unique legal method. Many of these principles are though significant in themselves, not least because they provide a lucid empowering framework with which to approach some of the intractable debates that currently beset contemporary Islamic discourse.